This time last year, I wrote my first ever blog post! I have written a grand total of 22 posts in
that time, which is a bit pathetic really in comparison to even moderate
bloggers. I could put it down to being
madly busy trying to juggle work, tutoring, crafting, exercise and home life,
or the fact that if I don’t have a fully formed idea in mind I just don’t
bother writing anything.
Now that my hangover has subsided, I have been musing over
New Year’s resolutions. Apart from the
usual, eat less, drink less, look better, take care of myself more, give myself
some more time to relax, I was thinking about the following:
thinking about experiences in terms of pithy epithets I don’t ever post on
Try to be less cynical about people in
Stay in touch with old friends.
Read the books I already have and try not to buy
any more.
Write more. (I have an idea for a book-maybe
this year, I’ll write it?!)
Happy New Year to everyone.
It is indeed a time of new beginnings.
I wrote about my cousin who died suddenly this year in an accident. His wife gave birth to his son on New Year’s
Eve, which does indeed mark a new beginning.
Let's get resolution 3 going! I'm a bit skint until I get a joab but would love to come up and see you. soon!!!! x