I have to write (admit) seven random facts about myself. Tricky one...
1) I am a super-taster. Despite the fact I thought, when I was a child, that blue cheese smelled like old socks, I now love it!
2) I have had a poem and a short story published (on websites...)
3) I love the poet John Burnside. I saw him speak at my university and then, many years later, I saw him speak at the Edinburgh Book Festival. It was like meeting a celebrity. I got tongue-tied!
4) I cried when I saw Death of a Salesman. I was sitting in the front row and may have embarassed the actors...
5) I can recite To a Mouse and To a Haggis off by heart. Still working on Tam o'Shanter.
6) To celebrate Eurovision 1999, myself and a number of pan-European friends, played a drinking game which culminated in us all having to sing a song in our mother tongue. I sang the Scottish, Caledonia and won the competition, winning a large glass of red wine for my trouble. We were drunk and misty eyed. To regain composure, myself, a Finn and an American (yes, not European, but still got to enter the competition because we're all inclusive) went skinny dipping in the Adriatic. Not too clever when I think back: drunk and swimming in unknown waters. Even more unnerving was the moment when, as we emerged from the water, slightly less drunk, but pretty naked, we were illuminated by the full-beam headlights of a man who had, presumably been watching us for some time. He left his vehicle, pursuing us up the beach as we ran, stumbled and tried to put on our soggy clothes with as much decorum as we could muster.
7) Slept with a sausage. (Had a house-warming party in Hungary when I shared a flat with the afore-mentioned American girl. We had a punch bowl... I almost don't have to tell the rest of this tale... Needless to say, it was messy. We had to go out, however, as were disturbing out neighbours who were early risers. We headed out to the pub and the only reason I know what happened, is because I took photographs, which I had developed many weeks later. It was 1999: digital photography was but a speck of technology on the horizon. I digress. We had tequilla, played table-football and then ran home in the snow. I must have arrived home, needed some food, so took a Hungarian sausage to bed. I didn't have the energy to eat it, so woke to find it happily uneaten and slightly withered by body-heat in the morning. My lovely American friend was asleep in a pile of crisps, so she can't assume the position of the innocent. I blame the fact that there was not such a thing as a take-away kebab shop in Southern Hungary in the late nineties.)
I really do have to stop there, or my explanations will get longer and longer!
So, now I have to nominate fifteen other bloggers for this award. I will go in search and will return to this post at a later date!
What amazing facts. I was laughing my socks off at 6 and 7. I might have said you need to find new bloggers you don't, just interesting ones. You certainly fit the bill! If you want to know more about the award you can find out here.
Can't wait for your next installment. Have a great week. Ali x
I'm surprised there was no mention of bus tickets on that list? x
ReplyDeleteAhh, the bus ticket. I thought I should opt for stories that I actually remember!